today's lunch: marinated portobello mushroom sandwich with avocado, lettuce, and tomato on raw sprouted grain bread...delicious
I know it can be tiring to hear about all the new things they have to do every day in order to be healthy. It IS a lot of work when you grow up in a modernized society where we are supposed to work at least 40 hours/week, go drinking with your friends, get enough sleep, etc. All these obligations take time.
However, nothing is more important than health. If you are in pain or unable to enjoy life with others, little else will really matter to you.
When I hear people say they don't have time for such things, what I automatically want to ask them is, "how many hours of TV do you watch per week?" Exercise can only take 3-4 hours per week, and meditation as little as 1-2 hours per week. Can we not eliminate a few of our favorite programs to lengthen our lives and dramatically improve our quality of living?
If you don't make your health a priority, this so-called civilization WILL drag you down and you will be sucked into reality shows, potato chips, and a half-asleep, sedated kind of awareness.
So, yes, no one else may be doing it, but: you have to exercise regularly. You just do. You have to eat foods in their whole, original form. You may not buy things that come in boxes. You may not eat at a fast-food restaurant. You may not eat un-organic meat or dairy products. Yes, I am issuing an ultimatum.
So this one more thing... You have to do it too. You have to meditate.
Let me say right away that meditation does not necessarily equal keeping the mind silent for a certain duration. This may be one type of meditation, and it seems to be meditation's definition to most people. However, I expect this to be a huge deterrent to an otherwise interested person--this the hardest meditation technique out there!! Meditation can be extremely simple and easy.
First of all, what is meditation? There are a lot of ways of looking at this word. Meditation can be a quiet walk in the park and it can be an 8-hour marathon during a retreat. My definition of meditation is a state of receptivity and quiet where you stop doing or thinking about any physical or worldly matter.
What generally happens during meditation, when your intention is set, is divine energy comes down through the top of the head. Energy is simply your life force. It keeps you alive and "energized" when, without this energy, the physical body would die. When we quiet ourselves, we open ourselves to this divine energy.
We are all already connected to it. Every living thing has what is called a spiritual cord going out from the top of the head to this infinite source. In the average person, this cord is very thin, like a thread. In a regular meditator, it is wider. In a saint or highly developed teacher, it can be much wider than the physical body. The larger your cord, the bigger the supply of steady energy. During meditation, the cord expands and then partially retracts again afterward. It's one of your spiritual muscle, and you want to make it as strong as you can.
So you don't have to have a perfectly quiet mind to let this energy in. You just have to be still and set the intention to meditate, to be in a state of relaxation and peace and to receive healing and rejuvenation. Set this intention or ask for it specifically...and I promise you will be heard.
Meditation is your metaphysical daily exercise routine. Remember, healing can be done on a physical or energetic level or both. Energy healing can often be faster than physical. If you are already charging up your energy body daily, you are healing yourself energetically daily. This is extremely powerful.
You will notice significant changes over time if you make this a regular practice. I can tell you what you might expect, or you can just try it yourself. There's already enough written on this topic. Everyone is different, and there's no need to believe what I am saying. Just try it for yourself and prove or dis-prove it.
One thing I've noticed with myself is that if I go a long time without meditation, I start to get slightly depressed. The world also starts looking very one-dimensional, dull, depressing, linear, and also infuriating. Everything is infused with energy and has its own "magic." You will have very little sense of this truth if you have no energetic healing or meditation experience to expand yourself. Meditation gives me a sense of excitement.
So, yes, robust health does take time. But your meditation doesn't have to take longer than 15 minutes a day. And at least you don't need to pay for a gym membership....
P.S. At pranichealing.com you can purchase the CD for the Meditation on Twin Hearts. It takes 20 minutes and is extremely powerful. It is designed to flush out the energy body of negativity and congestion and then powerfully energize it.
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