"85% of illnesses are not optimally treated with drugs or surgery." --C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D

PCC Natural Foods Newsletter: "Nutrition outperforms drug treatments for both prevention and treatment of chronic disease."

"The idea that you create your own reality is sweeping through the minds of millions."

--Spiritual Growth by Sanaya Roman

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Nobody's Perfect

Today's raw dessert: a banana smothered in raw chocolate sauce, peanut butter, and a little berry smoothie...SOooo good

I had too much to drink last night.

I know--horrible! After making the biggest commitment to my health possible, I not only indulged but over-indulged. It amounted to 3 glasses of sangria and then one glass of wine we split which doesn't sound like that much, but my tolerance is pretty low these days. Which I am proud of, by the way!

As I wrote to Elizabeth who made a comment asking whether wine was pasteurized, it's uncertain. I cannot find that information anywhere on the internet--just a lot of speculation. I am guessing some is pasteurized and some isn't, but it's not something written on any label. I have read in one of my raw food books that organic wine is not pasteurized, and in another raw food book, there are recipes containing wine plus a delicious-looking recipe for sangria. A lot of raw foodies don't drink alcohol which makes the most sense to me, but I am not ready to cut that out 100% yet.

My goal was to occasionally indulge in only one glass per "occasion." And to have as few of these occasions as possible. Right now, though, I feel like swearing off the stuff for the whole 2-month period.... but I really don't want to make promises I can't keep. For now, I'll leave that one open.

Burdened with guilt as I am, and keeping in mind one other significant food slip-up two days ago, I am starting the two months over. The whole point of this way of eating is to FEEL GOOD!!! I should be feeling amazing by now and woke up feeling so far from that, it was ridiculous.

Taaaaaake 2!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I was all excited to write my little schpeal about protein, and in looking up a few facts I found a web page that is so far superior to anything I could have written, I am just going to be totally unoriginal and paste a few things, make a few comments, and then put the link to the page at the end. Sorry, but it's more important to portray the best info than to come up with something original in this case!

To start: no dietary concept has been more hyped up than the one of protein.
This has an extremely simple reason, and it is that certain powerful people stand to gain a lot of money from their businesses if we think their product is nutritionally superior a.k.a. the meat and dairy associations. Otherwise, why wouldn't the average person know how much selenium, potassium, and vitamin D they need? Yet everyone knows about protein and calcium. This is sly corporate marketing and nothing else.

Did you know the beef and dairy associations supply free "educational" materials to children in schools? They get to color in pictures of happy cows on the farm to learn about nutrition: protein and calcium! What else is there?!?

I started doing some research to see which plant foods are complete protein because a few were mentioned in my raw food book, and I was surprised because of course I learned that no plant food contains all essential amino acids. Well, if I'm not the dumbest vegetarian that ever lived.

Here's some plant foods that contain all essential amino acids:

brown rice, tomatoes, potatoes, green peppers, corn, lettuce, celery, cucumbers, oats, carrots, broccoli, pinto beans....and more. Maca contains all essential and unessential amino acids, along with some other superfoods.

The most everyday, common foods any American eats...

We have been duped.

The plant food with the lowest percentage of protein is the potato at 10% protein. Even the poor Irish farmers from the old days who had to sometimes survive on potatoes and water didn't have a protein deficiency.

Again, from this website:

"It's really meat that's incomplete:

When you think about it, it's kind of silly to single out protein, just one of the many nutrients, just so we can declare plant proteins to be incomplete (although they're not). Why aren't we declaring meat to be an incomplete vitamin? Because it is, you know. For example, beef is completely devoid of Vitamin C, an essential nutrient without which you'd die. And beef doesn't just have a lower level of this essential nutrient, it has zero. So why didn't the authorities ever caution us that we need to combine beef with chicken to get a complete vitamin?
But actually, no combination of meat will make a complete vitamin, since every single kind of meat has zero Vitamin C. And it's deficient in other vitamins as well. So while plants aren't actually deficient in protein, meat is definitely deficient in vitamins. But I'm sure you never heard about vitamin deficiency in animal foods. All you've heard about is the supposed deficiency of protein in plants.

And speaking about biases, the whole protein-combining idea supposes that vegetarians are eating just one food, which is allegedly incomplete. Okay, how many people do you know who eat one food? And since nobody eats just one food, the whole idea of protein combining would be unnecessary anyway, even if it were true. So here again, what would be the point of harping on protein combining when it doesn't matter?"

The World Health Organization recommends the diet be 5% protein. Mother's breast milk is 2% protein (although this website says 5%--I have always read 2%). There is no known death on record from lack of protein. The only way NOT to get your required protein is to not get a significant number of calories per day.

from http://michaelbluejay.com/veg/protein.html :

"We never talk about protein anymore, because it's absolutely not an issue, even among children," says Marion Nestle, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Nutrition, Food and Hotel Management at New York University. "If anything, we talk about the dangers of high-protein diets. Getting enough is simply a matter of getting enough calories."4.3

"'There was no basis for [protein combining] that I could see.... I began calling around and talking to people and asking them what the justification was for saying that you had to complement proteins, and there was none. And what I got instead was some interesting insight from people who were knowledgeable and actually felt that there was probably no need to complement proteins. So we went ahead and made that change in the paper. [Note: The paper was approved by peer review and by a delegation vote before becoming official.] And it was a couple of years after that that Vernon Young and Peter Pellet published their paper that became the definitive contemporary guide to protein metabolism in humans. And it also confirmed that complementing proteins at meals was totally unnecessary.8.5"

Let me repeat this: The person who wrote the American Dietetic Association's position paper described above said that complementing proteins at meals is "totally unnecessary".

There's a very easy way to see the completeness of plant proteins, that most nutrition writers haven't bothered to do: Look at what's actually in the food! It's not like this is a secret; that data has been publicly available from the USDA for decades, and now the USDA's database is even online.4'"

Did you know one teaspoon of sea kelp dissolved in water has 1,000 times the calcium of a glass of milk? 1,000 times the calcium! If we care so much about calcium, why don't we know that? Green leafy vegetables are a fabulous source of this essential mineral. The average person knows nothing about nutrition save the ridiculous claims and myths perpetrated by those who stand to gain from our purchase of animal products.

Vitamin B12 is one a lot of people have heard about because we have learned it can't be had without meat and dairy, and this PROVES we must eat meat and dairy! Humans need five millionths of a gram per day. The average meat eater can go vegan and not come up with a deficiency in this for over a decade because there is a massive quantity of it in a piece of meat. This is how out of proportion meat is with human dietary needs. Yet animal products are not the only source; otherwise, how could traditional vegan cultures survive without this necessary vitamin? Traditional vegan cultures do not have a deficiency in B12 for a simple reason: it is present in dirt and they do not meticulously wash their vegetables as we do. You can go without washing your (organic) produce and take in enough B12--again, only 5 millionths of a gram per day is needed.

What IS so special about meat? I have yet to hear of a miracle meat or egg that has helped eliminate free radicals in the body or protects against cancer. Yet we learn of new miracle plant foods every day from superfoods, to cancer-curing plants, to everything in between.

The human body, based on its teeth, saliva, stomach acid, and intestines, is an herbivore's body. As this website states, "we are most similar to other herbivores and drastically different from omnivores and carnivores." My best friend was Pre-Med in college, and her Anatomy & Physiology teacher, a Ph.D., said the same thing. The most common cause of choking death is eating meat, and animal omnivores and carnivores do not have that problem.

If you don't believe me...please, see for yourself!

Monday, January 25, 2010

100% Raw for 2 months!

I woke up today, feeling kind of groggy, and thought, "I can't wait till I do my next raw food experiment and have that amazing, energized feeling again, it will feel so good." And I have had this thought every single day for at least a month. I figured I'd start in a week or two, after having received another new raw book in the mail that I ordered. But today, the absurdity of looking forward to starting this eating plan when I can start it any minute I want finally hit me. So...nothing to look forward to--it's here!

The book I ordered is The Sunfood Diet Success System by David Wolfe, and it is fantastic. Everything you need to know is finally in one book. The other books I've read still left me with a lot of unanswered questions, mostly about the science/nutrition aspects. This guy has degrees in mechanical and environmental engineering, law, and a master's in nutrition. Both his parents are doctors. So he doesn't do anything that doesn't hold up scientifically, and he explains every detail to you in this book....at last. I am so totally fired up.

Welcome back: mental clarity, physical energy, total calmness, no food cravings, no under-eye circles, reduced weight, and 7 hours or less of sleep a night.

I am going to focus more this time on meditation and Pranic Healing and what changes happen on this food because it's common knowledge that the lighter the body is, the more energy it can hold. This will make you more sensitive and more powerful as a healer. I am really excited to see what happens with meditation experiences as well.

I did one month of 100% raw last June and loved it but caved into social pressure in the end. I have never been able to sleep under 9 hours for some strange reason, and I enjoyed 6.5-7 hour nights and woke up feeling like a million bucks. It is a huge time-saver, as you can imagine. The most amazing thing besides that was the total calmness I experienced. I have read many times that bad food makes you mentally negative, impatient, and generally miserable, but I didn't really believe it. I always thought, "I'm in control of my emotions, and if I'm negative, that's my fault for not being in control of my own mind." That may be true to some extent, but if you want to stop trying to be calm and peaceful and have it just come upon you effortlessly, eat only raw vegan food. Even when my husband did something "irritating," it didn't even irritate me, I literally didn't care and just felt love and happiness toward him. Some of the things that happen to you when you eat this way sound literally impossible. But if you don't believe me, try it yourself! The above book is the best one I've read (out of 4). It's the best place to start, I recommend it to everyone.

Friday, January 22, 2010


This website has totally changed my day-to-day view of spirituality. I have read many books on the subject and understand the whole topic to be a lot more dynamic than "God helped us write a book called the Bible 2,000 years ago." But this blog really takes it to the next level.

The writer of this blog is Brian Scibetta. He's an 18-year-old indigo from Portland, OR who started the blog, I think, when he was only 16.

First of all, what is an indigo? You usually see this term as "indigo child," but in talking about someone in their teens or older, the word "child" doesn't really work, so I leave it off. However, most indigos are young because this is a new vibration of human that did not exist before this time in human history.

People can be described based on the dominant color in their aura. Everyone has one or two dominant colors that will determine their personality or maybe worldview or possibly spiritual abilities to a certain degree. The indigos are called as such because the dominant color in their aura is the color indigo. These people are basically born with more advanced levels of perception. Although many people throughout history have had clairvoyant and other special senses, indigos universally have heightened perception in one or more ways which can include clairvoyance, advanced healing abilities, and general increased awareness that in children sometimes gets labeled as ADD. (It's not attention deficit but attention surplus, being able to focus on so much at the same time.) They see easily through lies and other nonsense and cannot be fooled in any way. This is a very brief description and I am probably leaving a lot out, but that's the general idea. Please do more research if you are interested--there's a fabulous book you can read called The Children of Now.

Brian has the ability to speak directly to God and to his and others' angels. He is also clairvoyant and is a powerful energy healer. He started doing readings for people a few years ago and a little later started the blog. The blog is a way for any visitor to submit a question for God, and Brian will answer it for free (one per person, please) and post it. Reading this blog is beyond-fascinating, and reading it regularly will bring an element of spirituality to your daily life, and an awareness otherwise difficult to gain. I think the blog, with chosen questions and answers, would make a great book.

If you read it for a period of months, you will start knowing most answers to questions before they are written. You start to see the patterns of how life works whether regarding romantic relationships, getting a job, how to find The One, forgiveness, loved ones who have passed away, how angels work, how to heal yourself, and also some larger mysteries regarding religion, spirituality, and the universe.

This is what I've learned from reading it regularly:

-Everyone has at least one soul mate option, and as soon as you make room for this person in your life (a.k.a. end your current unsatisfactory relationship), decide exactly what you want in that person, and say no to everyone else along the way, then ask God to bring them, that person will come.

-Everyone has at least one angel with them all the time, and this being is with you to help you with any matter, large or small. they cannot help unless you ask!!!! They must be invited in to heal you, to heal others, to remove roadblocks in your life, to give you advice, and everything else. Talk to them every day and multiple times a day!! You don't have to know how many or what their names are (if they have names), just know they are there. They are waiting to hear from you!

-There are negative forces that can impact us, though they are very weak. However, if you are sick, having strange nightmares, pains, or addictions, it could be from such negativity. It is easy to remove this--just ask your angels and/or God to do so, and it will happen instantly! To keep your energy strong and resistant against such pests, meditate regularly.

-After death, there is only heaven.

-Many of us are not getting what we want because we don't know what we want. If you are not getting what you want, get very very clear on what it is you want. Then ask God and your angels to help bring it to you.

-Lastly and most importantly: MEDITATE. This is not an option. I repeat, this is not an option. Meditation is not for some. It is for all. It is in virtually every answer to every question. Why? When you meditate, you invite God in. It's much harder for God to be with you in a significant, helpful way if you don't invite Him in and spend at least 15 or so minutes a day with Him. We can live and breathe because of two factors: physical energy and spiritual energy. When you meditate, you "eat" your spiritual energy for the day. You can starve yourself of this energy all your life, but you'll make it much harder on yourself in every single area. This is the #1 way for God to communicate with you. You may not hear Him say during meditation, "hey, buddy, quit your job," but you will start to notice over time that your thinking becomes clearer, you seem to know better what to do in different situations, and your own negative thoughts seem reduced which is because they are getting cleaned out on a regular basis. Meditation is your spiritual bath. It cleans out the mental/emotional crappy buildup. In the same way, your physical bath cleans out dirty physical buildup.

You can purchase Brian's meditation CD from his website, or you can just sit in a very quiet spot and invite God and your angels to heal you and bring you peace and clarity. Then just sit in a receptive, relaxing position for several minutes. I am partial to the Meditation on Twin Hearts, created by Master Choa Kok Sui and available from the Pranic Healing website www.pranichealing.com. It is a very powerful guided meditation that flushes out the energy body and then charges it with lots of fresh prana (energy). It will vastly increase your divine connection over time, and you will notice serious changes in your life if you practice it regularly, which I can tell you from experience.

And much, much more.

I can only recommend to everyone that they read this blog, it's 20 times better than most self-help books on the market, and it's 100% free to read! Plus, ask a question. It is awe-inspiring to hear God talk to you this way, and you will feel peace in reading the answer to your heart's question. For a full reading from Brian, click on the link to his website from the blog for info. I have had a reading with him myself, and it was amazing.

I miss going out

I still go out pretty frequently, so I don't miss actually going--I miss how it used to be. I could eat and drink anything and feel fine, even healthy. I didn't over-analyze it or feel too guilty. There were lots of restaurants I loved to go to, and it was fun to choose which one I would eat at.

Now, to go out to dinner, we spend a bunch of money on food that isn't healthy--it's loaded with oil and salt and probably plenty of cheese (we are vegetarian and sometimes go for cheese-involved dishes). The portions are big so we always over-eat. The food tastes good but doesn't give you a good feeling after eating it. There is no way to eat vegetarian and avoid the foods I am trying to now cut out: deep-fried food, cheese, bread, and pasta. I know, laughable to even try! When we try to choose where to go, it's just a question of which is the "least bad" for us and still has enough atmosphere to be enjoyable.

On top of that, the food is not organic. The strict standards we have for household food disappear when we go to restaurants, so we will consume genetically-modified food and food sprayed with chemicals. In the case of dairy, we are purchasing cheese from tortured, drug-injected cows--products we would never buy at the store. I used to not bother with that because eating out doesn't happen every day. Yet I still work at a restaurant, I end up eating there or bringing food home a couple of times a week in addition to a once a week or so dinner out together. It does add up.

If there was just a restaurant that actually prepared food like what we eat at home! (That was affordable.) I can't stop going out. I'm a libra! I love to go cozy up in a candle-lit restaurant where I can sit and be waited on. I like sitting next to my husband with no television or laptop nearby where we will just talk. Sometimes I even get fancy and wear something besides my sweatpants!

I don't think it will be long before someone capitalizes on our interest in healthy, organic food at a nice restaurant--for cheap! I can't go to a $30/plate dinner every week. I mean a regular restaurant with a happy hour menu and all of that with something besides french fries on it.

And one last thing: Coffee shops. Can we please get something to eat besides bread and sugar products in the morning? These so-called breakfast foods of scones, chocolate croissants, bagels, and banana breads are nothing more than desserts wrapped in breakfast food vocabulary. I allow myself the coffee indulgence already, do you have to push my discipline by putting that pastry case in front of me every morning??

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A New Idea of Healthcare

It's not only hard to imagine our world without a gigantic medical industry with its gigantic health insurance industry and gigantic pharmaceutical industry, it's hardly even been attempted.

I watched a David Wolfe video (prominent raw food expert), and he mentioned that you can't ask a fish about water because it's "right here," and he put his hand on his face, covering it with his fingers spread out. In the same way, we are so used to our diseases, doctors, pills, that we have never even looked at it. They are the water we're swimming in.

Conversations with God says what we have is a "disease-care system," not a healthcare system.

Consider this: In some traditional Indian villages, the village doctor would go around to each home in the village on a regular basis, and was paid by every healthy person present. Does this make sense to you? It's such "backwards" logic to us, we have to think about it. The presence of sick people meant the doctor had not done the best job.

Who do you owe your health to? I hope you're buying their book! I am happy to pay PCC or the farmers at the market more, for they keep me from having to go to the doctor in the first place! I am saving not just money but suffering and pain.

By a simple flip of our thinking, the solution is so obvious, we wonder that we never saw it before. As my parents used to say when I couldn't find something I was looking for that was right by me, "if it gets any closer, it's going to bite you." Enough of us have been bitten by the obvious to be paying for prevention, saving our short- and long-term health on top of the environment in the form of supporting organic farming.

Things will go on much longer this way. Nowadays, when someone is diagnosed with cancer, they go home and get on the Internet before they submit themselves to drugs and radiation. Some have healed themselves through their own self-education in ways their own doctor SAID was physically impossible. They go back to see their doctor after their full recovery, and the guy or gal literally can't believe they are seeing the person alive in front of their eyes. When an uneducated common person can read some free stuff online, change their diet/lifestyle, and CURE CANCER, how much longer do you think we'll have to fund these research studies that cost millions upon billions of dollars to "find a cure"? It's just a matter of time.

How many people have already fired their doctor? You can now go to an un-trained energy healer who can accomplish more in an hour than many have accomplished in years of advice from mainstream health practitioners and pills. Doctors will claim to be the most scientific-minded folks of anyone, yet they are in total denial of their abysmal success rates in healing. At the same time, they deny the better success rates of natural, nutrition, and energy healing remedies!

The sad truth for mainstream medical practitioners is that the combination of proper, natural, organic nutrition and energy healing would eliminate or heal probably 80-90% of ailments and prevent the vast majority from ever occurring in the first place.

I get a thrill when I imagine our future: herb and vegetable gardens at every home, farmers markets in every neighborhood, an energy healer in the average health office. High school health class requiring instruction in honest nutrition education (without the free "educational" materials from the Dairy and Beef Associations), herbal remedies, energy anatomy, and simple vegetable gardening skills. In California, some elementary schools have school gardens which the students work in and then EAT FROM at their school cafeteria! I cannot think of anything smarter or healthier.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Green Smoothie Experiment

I almost called this the "The Accidental Experiment" because I wasn't trying to learn anything, but after drinking green smoothies regularly, I got kind of bored with them and stopped. I've never been nuts about them, but I learned about the health benefits of consuming raw greens, and it seemed like the easiest way, so I started doing it.

For those that have not read a bunch of raw food books as I have, eating food raw keeps the enzymes intact which the body needs for various functions. Cooked foods have no intact enzymes, and the body then uses up its own stores to digest food which is very taxing, especially after doing this year after year all your life. Some people really connect loss of enzyme reserves to aging. Aside from that, cooking food destroys 75-97% of the vitamins and minerals. This is huge. Even if you are eating spinach for dinner, if it's cooked, you're not getting many of the vitamins and minerals. (Add onto that if it's not organic. Non-organic fruits and vegetables have significantly less nutritional content.) It's a big shock to realize most of the food the average person eats isn't feeding their body at all.

Greens like kale are full of calcium and other vital nutrients. Consuming them raw is the absolute most nutritious way. The problem is that raw kale is a little tough to chew and doesn't taste great. For some, it can even be difficult to digest and give some feelings of indigestion. The reason for this is simple: we are meant to chew our food into a liquid, and doing this breaks down the tough cellulose wall of the plant. When we don't break down this wall with our teeth, our stomach can have a tough time with it. Your options are to chew your kale to death or stick it in a blender. Thank you, Vita-Mix!

In casual experiments, raw food teachers/coaches have noticed that consuming these raw greens regularly drastically reduces peoples' cravings for unhealthy cooked food such as fried foods, sugar, and cheese. Most will tell you that if you want to go raw, start first by adding green smoothies to your regular diet, and after you don't crave your usual foods, you know you'll be able to cut them out completely.

SO... as I said, I stopped drinking these, not thinking about any daily impacts to my life. I forgot I had made this important move but noticed I was feeling cranky, impatient, and then started thinking about food all the time, craving sugar, cheese, and fried foods. Now, if I hadn't eaten any of these all this time, I wouldn't have suddenly gotten cravings for them out of nowhere, but I occasionally do indulge. This time, though, a couple of indulgences turned me into an addict! The crappy food made me feel more sluggish and crappy, and it was this downward spiral. It wasn't until yesterday that I realized this had all started a couple of weeks ago when I took this extremely important component out of my diet! (duh)

Today, I am on to PCC Natural Market for some kale, collard greens, and spinach.

If you are interested in trying this yourself, here is the general formula to make one: 60% fruit and 40% greens. This makes it sweet and very drinkable. About 2 cups of water. Make sure there is enough water or you'll feel like you are chewing what should be a drink. You can go online for some more specific recipes. The Vita-Mix is the best blender because the blades turn at something like 500 mph which obliterates those cell walls quickly and easily. For other blenders, I would recommend leaving it in to blend for a good minute or two so it's broken down as thoroughly as possible.

This is the most powerful "diet" drink out there. Try it for yourself, and you will be amazed that you don't crave unhealthy foods anymore. It's miraculous.

A great way to drink these is to have them handy when you're doing something else like working on the computer. You'll mindlessly keep sipping away and consume a large quantity without thinking, "ok, here's my smoothie, now I have to drink it."

By the way, most people love them. You will probably just love the smoothies. I am weird and don't even really like fruit smoothies, I don't know why. My sister doesn't have any special fascination with raw food but makes one every day and LOVES it. So don't let ME get you down!


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Late Night at a Friend's...

Last night my husband and I went to our friends' house for our typical late-night dinner party. We ate an absolute ton of cooked food--rice, chapati (Indian bread, look like tortillas but wheat flour), dal, garbanzo curry, and a third curry I was not familiar with. There was wine and whisky floating around. Then truffles for dessert. I somehow ended up with a torturous case of the hiccups by the end of the night. I rode home in the car bent over, trying to be upside down, hold my breath, whatever.

Of course, we didn't get to bed until 2:00AM. And slept late. And woke up thoroughly groggy with that fuzzy head. Every time, I ask myself the same question: why? I know this is not good for me.

These are the days I say, "I'm going raw." No more heavy food. No more sugary desserts. No more bread!!!

Then I look in the fridge and see a carton and a half of eggs, a whole package of tortillas (to be treated as chapati), a new package of gardenburgers. How will I explain to my husband I won't eat any of it? He is so beyond-supportive of my nutritional schizophrenia. But I hate to yo-yo with him... "Honey? Can I make curry tonight? Will you eat it?" I've been hinting at him I want to go raw again (we did a month together of 100% raw and, actually, loved it--just got inconvenient in social situations so we set it aside to be decided upon later). I haven't heard any major objections. He likes us to eat the same things together, so I know if I do it, he will, by default, be part of it. Last time we did it, he lost 7 pounds and his skin got really clear. He got tons of compliments on his appearance....so I think he might be happy to experience some of that again!

I just want all those benefits back: never feeling heavy, tired, groggy. total mental clarity, a razor-sharp mind. never bloated. 7 hours of sleep a night and feeling like a million bucks every morning. energy for exercise, work, cleaning, everything. lost a couple of pounds. knowing you never put anything bad into your body that will hurt it or drag it down. better-looking skin. a lighter footprint on the planet and knowing you aren't giving one dollar to those nasty food corporations.

I might try to experiment with a compromise where everything eaten at home is 100% raw, but for socializing, some exceptions can be made. Or holidays with family. Anything with other, non-raw people, basically. Which we probably only do about twice a month. Won't get in the way of the goal...

*sigh* I'll keep you posted.

Health and Wellness Fair

Just to let y'all know...

I will be at the Health and Wellness Fair this Wednesday from 11 to 1:00 at South Seattle Community College. The Pranic Healing table will be in the Women's Center, though the bulk of the tables will be in the Student Center room A.

You can get maps and directions at www.southseattle.edu/campus/map.html

I along with some other Pranic Healing buddies will hand out info and do free mini-healings.

Hope to see you there!

Fun at East-West Bookshop

Yesterday, I had a table at East-West Bookshop where I have been renting a healing room for the last six months. There were some books, pamphlets, informational sheets, and free coupons for 60-minute healings. It was a LOT of fun! I also did free mini-healings. I was a little afraid no one would come and talk to me, but I ended up doing back-to-back healings the entire time!

Everyone enjoyed their experience of Pranic Healing and took a coupon for a free full session. I had such a blast talking to all these people who already knew tons about natural health and energy healing. I got to chat with an aromatherapist, massage therapist, and astrologer! I just love that bookstore and wish I lived across the street from it! What a fabulous community of knowledgeable, wise, and positive souls!

I still have 19 coupons left that I would LOVE to get rid of!! Take me up on my offer of a free 60-minute Pranic Healing session and experience the bliss!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Raw Thai Soup

I made this recipe night before last and loved it. I ate the leftovers for breakfast the next morning. I got it from the book Fresh by Sergei and Valya Boutenko.

Blend together:

2 cucumbers, peeled
2 cups water
1/2 cup walnuts (I grind these in my magic bullet first)
1/4 c. Nama Shoyu
1/2 fresh spicy pepper
1 teaspoon salt (I would actually put less in next time)
2 tablespoons honey
1/4 cup chopped ginger
1/4 cup lemon juice (could do with less of this too)
1/2 teaspoon turmeric

Chop up and mix in at the end:

1 cucumber, peeled (a little too much for me)
1/2 cup dried mushrooms (I will do fresh next time...too chewy)
1 bunch cilantro (a little too much for me)

It's so quick and easy to make, and no exotic ingredients, which I appreciate. I love making raw soups. They are always quick and easy and taste great. It's very hard to screw them up. I just got a new book I ordered from amazon called Eating for Beauty by David Wolfe. He's apparently the stud of the raw food world, and I haven't read anything by him yet so I'm excited. There's supposed to be Kirlian photography pics showing the energy field of a food before and after it's cooked--cooking disrupts the energy field.


On Ignorance

Ignorance is such a derogatory-sounding word, but people we would call ignorance only need some compassion and, of course, learning.

You can remember a time you were what you would now call "ignorant." Ignorance is just a phase.

I would define enlightenment as knowing you don't know everything which automatically opens you up to knowing more. Only when you think you know everything do you stop learning--and become ignorant.

I can't help quoting Conversations with God again (by Neale Donald Walsch): "The first sign of a primitive culture is it thinks itself advanced."

Remember in Titanic when the orchestra was instructed to play outside on the deck of the ship to calm people and make them think everything was fine? It worked for some, and they calmly went on, never believing they could actually be headed for total calamity. This fits perfectly with how some people look at global warming. They go outside in winter, find it chilly, and say, everything is fine! Nothing warm going on here! They only see what is literally in front of their noses.

Stretch yourselves!! You are also ignorant, by another's standard. You are unevolved, by another's more evolved standpoint. There is more to experience with your mind--and soul--than you can imagine. ("You experience a 3-dimensional reality. You do not live in one."--NDW) What you see with your eyes and experience with your senses is literally a sliver of reality. Tell the universe you want more and you are ready to be surprised, stretched, and challenged, and you will be. This is how life feels like an exciting adventure. It is only mundane to those who think they know what is real.

Conspiracy Theories

It's too bad that the phrase "conspiracy theory" contains a pitiful-sounding tone as though someone believing in conspiracy is a paranoid, lonely soul. To conspire only means to plan, right? Usually something bad or harmful. Any large corporation contains more than enough folks to be considered powerful enough to conspire to do something harmful. The government or lobbyist organizations also easily fit this description. A conspiracy has to include the element of secrecy as well.

When a powerful organization has the sole goal of making money (as we know businesses do, as they do not willingly include any code of ethics, nor are they bound by one), and they have been proven to lie and mislead the public to do it, isn't that a conspiracy?

We are too afraid to use harsh words, or to be thought of as crazy and dramatic.

Pharmaceutical companies, agribusinesses, cola companies, political organizations all have one agenda which is achieving money and power, and none of them have the word "care" built into their policies. I don't believe in victimization, but when a group of people meet in the same offices and boardrooms every day and have marketing budgets--other budgets--in the millions of dollars, who is making the rules and who is bound to go along?

We are being mocked every day: by our "food" choices, our voting systems, our "justice" systems, our medical and insurance systems. Did you hear how this entire swine flu "epidemic" has been discovered to be a total scam? Who do you think was in favor of propagating these outlandish fears? Follow the money trail: who sells vaccines and drugs? These people are MOCKING US.

My husband is Indian, and he was shocked when he came here and started reading the news. In India, they generally believe Americans are 100% moral and good, that this is a land free of corruption. I was astounded we ever successfully put across such a notion to anyone. It made me sad because this IS who many Americans think we are, which is now laughable, although I would say 100 years ago the average American had many more times the compassion and decency than we do today.

We have an Indian friend who somehow has the stomach to read extremely disturbing facts, and he came across an article about how prison systems are generally private businesses that the government pays to hold prisoners it finds guilty. Do you know there are actually people working for these private prisons who lobby for harsher sentences for juveniles, etc, so they can keep their prisons full and money coming in from its only customer, out government?

Remember the children's book The Emperor's New Clothes? The child in the audience called out the obvious. So please. Be like a child and call out the obvious.

In Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsh, God says, "If you had any idea how much the public has been played for a fool, thrown for a loop...etc...you would witness an uprising the likes of which you have never seen." Let's make it happen.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Vegetarianism, Raw Food

I think some people are scared off by vegetarianism because when you are used to eating meat and then take it out of your diet, it feels kind of weird. You feel lighter. That sounds nice, but for some people, it's an unfamiliar feeling. I believe some people sort of feel subconsciously that without that heavy feeling, they could just float away or disappear. We are used to that "grounded" feeling that eating meat gives us. Yet it's not groundedness, it's more like sluggishness. And just because you are used to something, it doesn't mean it is good for you. We are used to all manner of sicknesses, obsessions, and addictions. Most of us are used to a muddled, heavy body as well as a muddled, heavy mind. Just because you don't feel tired and heavy after eating doesn't mean you didn't eat the right foods or you didn't eat enough!

It is our spiritual and physical nature to be and feel light. Being in a physical body is heavy enough, and eating meat adds to this unnecessarily. (Of course, there are a million other factors involved in choosing to eat or not eat meat, but I won't be going into those today!) Familiarity is comfortable for everyone, but what we eat must be looked at objectively and scientifically.

I think it is amazing the way that we talk about meat's nutritive value. We look at the lack of health of some vegetarians as proof that eating meat is part of the healthiest diet. Hunter/gatherer cultures have been found to eat hundreds and hundreds of different types of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and seeds. Us European folks did the same thing long back. The lack of vegetarian nutrition is not due to a lack of meat but a lack of vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and seeds! The typical grocery store carries a miniscule fraction of what nature offers us. Unfortunately, we don't grow up with the valuable information we need to make healthy choices, and you have to either do a lot of research and reading or be a nutritionist to figure it all out.

Being a vegetarian means learning about food and learning, finally, how to cook. (Throwing a slab of meat on the grill is easy.) These are not quick and easy things to learn. I went vegetarian on my own in college and lived with another vegetarian at the time. She ate worse than anyone I've ever known--and it showed. I was clueless but struggled through it and figured it out little by little. I wish it was easier, maybe more people would do it!

If you want to force variety on yourself overnight, go raw and vegan. The variety of ingredients in raw recipes is huge. The food is bursting with incredible flavor and depth. The food is unlike any vegetarian or meat-eating meals you have ever had. I tried this diet for a month and literally felt like I was eating like a queen. I went from eating the same 10 things (tomato, avocado, onion, potatoes, lettuce, sprouted grain bread, beans) to regularly eating figs, dates, cashews, almonds, vanilla bean, kale, collard greens, cilantro, carob powder, sprouted mung beans, sprouted barley, and on and on. None of these things did I eat previously.

You don't have to cut out all meat and dairy to add some of these to your diet to increase your nutrient intake-and probably health-by a lot. I highly recommend these raw food recipes to anyone at whatever level they want to add them to their diet. I will say: For them to taste the best, you will have to be 100% raw. Why? Because cooked food kills your taste buds!! Salt actually numbs taste buds. The first few days of all-raw food do not feel very exciting at all. After that, you will feel and taste total luxury in the raw food diet.

Food Labeling

I believe that, aside from the obvious fact that genetically modified foods should be labeled as such, there should be many more warnings on food packaging. The food industry has been totally neglected while all the attention goes to alcohol and cigarettes. There should be guidelines and criteria for what we consider food. Most of what is sold in grocery stores does not fit the definition of food!

White bread, soda, crackers, chips, desserts, TV dinners, boxed food, instant meals, etc. should not be marketed and sold as food. They contain zero nutrition. The public has been completely misled in this area. Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, for example, should have a label on it saying, "This product does not meet the requirements and criteria to be considered food." The FDA can come up with those guidelines which would need to involve a certain amount of vitamins, minerals, protein, and safe/healthy carbohydrates. Food that is not fresh, even if it started out that way, has lost its original nutrient content!

It should be blatantly pointed out to every shopper that these products should not be consumed under the supposition that they can feed themselves with them. My hope would, of course, be that putting these facts in the faces of customers would gradually cause such a loss in sales to these products as to have their presence reduced and eventually eliminated from stores--while the health of the average American would skyrocket!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

The first day of the new year seemed like a good time to begin this blog! I have been pondering the idea for a while. My husband suggested it because he knows I like to write. I latched onto the idea when I thought about making it a place to discuss my learning and ideas related to nutrition, spirituality, and energy, my personal passions. I would like to hear from others with knowledge and interests in these areas.

My other goal is to spread awareness of spirituality and energy healing. Energy healing either already is or WILL be the biggest breakthrough of my generation. Energy, auras, and chakras are real and scientifically verified. They are so easy to maintain, manipulate, and heal, with only a small amount of education required to be able to produce even miraculous healings. This will completely revolutionize health and healing as we know it.

Please check out these two websites to take a look at the modality I use which is called Pranic Healing.


www.yourhandscanhealyou.com --on this site, please click on the link "Praise"; you will be surprised at the familiar faces there, including Deepak Chopra and Dr. Oz.

Pranic Healing was developed by Master Choa Kok Sui through thousands of scientific experiments which verified the success of his system. Tradition, culture, and religion were set aside completely as Master Choa tried everything he had heard of and threw out anything that didn't work. What remains is an incredibly streamlined, simple, easy-to-learn method. Pranic Healing levels I, II, and III can each be taken in one full weekend. Pranic Healing can heal physical, emotional, and addiction ailments, sometimes in astonishingly little time.

I'll be back soon.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!
