"85% of illnesses are not optimally treated with drugs or surgery." --C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D

PCC Natural Foods Newsletter: "Nutrition outperforms drug treatments for both prevention and treatment of chronic disease."

"The idea that you create your own reality is sweeping through the minds of millions."

--Spiritual Growth by Sanaya Roman

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Food Labeling

I believe that, aside from the obvious fact that genetically modified foods should be labeled as such, there should be many more warnings on food packaging. The food industry has been totally neglected while all the attention goes to alcohol and cigarettes. There should be guidelines and criteria for what we consider food. Most of what is sold in grocery stores does not fit the definition of food!

White bread, soda, crackers, chips, desserts, TV dinners, boxed food, instant meals, etc. should not be marketed and sold as food. They contain zero nutrition. The public has been completely misled in this area. Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, for example, should have a label on it saying, "This product does not meet the requirements and criteria to be considered food." The FDA can come up with those guidelines which would need to involve a certain amount of vitamins, minerals, protein, and safe/healthy carbohydrates. Food that is not fresh, even if it started out that way, has lost its original nutrient content!

It should be blatantly pointed out to every shopper that these products should not be consumed under the supposition that they can feed themselves with them. My hope would, of course, be that putting these facts in the faces of customers would gradually cause such a loss in sales to these products as to have their presence reduced and eventually eliminated from stores--while the health of the average American would skyrocket!

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